Thursday, May 23, 2013

Understanding Michael Porter

I recently read a very good book on corporate strategy and industry competition.  Joan Magretta's book, Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy is an excellent overview of the famous Harvard professor's views, research, and writings on corporate strategy and understanding why some companies and industries are more profitable than others.

Beyond explaining Porter's 5 Forces and the Value Chain, the author does a very good job of describing 5 tests for a good corporate strategy.

Unique Value Proposition:
The first test is that the strategy should focus on "competing to be unique" rather than "competing to be the best".  The later strategy, as Porter would claim, is not a strategy but simply a self-defeating competition of matching your competitors in a face-to-face battle that ultimately ends up in competing on price and a downward spiral into becoming a commodity.  The best strategies find a way to differentiate themselves from their competition such as targeting a different customer segment, fulfilling a different need, or fulfilling the need in a unique way.

Tailored Value Chain:
The second test of good strategy is that it has more than one "competitive advantage" and actually consists of an integrated set of activities along the value chain that are all consistent with each other and with the strategy.  The value chain activities include how the company does its procurement, product development, marketing, sales, supply chain, and service.

The fit test of strategy is ensuring that the set of strategic activities are not only aligned with each other, but preferably self-reinforcing.

This may be the least intuitive test, but as Porter says, a good strategy makes clear "what you will not do".  Good strategic activities create trade-offs that make it clear which actions and decisions are not consistent with the strategy.  Having such clear trade-offs makes it easier for management and employees to make decisions on what they should and should not be doing.

Good strategy takes time to develop and cannot be created in its entirety from scratch.  Therefore, consistency and continuity over time is essential to keeping on the path set out by the strategy and allowing the interconnected activities to reinforce each other.

This is obviously a simplification of the ideas laid out in the book, which also goes into much more breadth as well as depth.  Definitely a good read for anyone interested in business strategy.

WARNING:  I listened to the audiobook which has a very annoying narrator, as you'll see from other reviewer comments, as well.  He has a very distracting habit of inflecting the pitch of his voice upward at the end of each sentence.  It took me a while to block it out and just listen to the content.  For me, I prefer audiobooks to text so that I can listen during my car commute so it was worth the pain, but if you're on the fence about text versus audiobook, you may want to choose the text.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Job Sites for People Seeking Jobs in the Biotech and Pharmaceutical industry

We all know that times are tough and a lot of people are either unemployed or underemployed and looking for better work.

I wanted to post some very helpful sites that I have used and recommend to friends.

  • I especially like the startup focused sites VentureLoop and StartUpHire that have lots of jobs I do not see in other places.  Great if you are interested in joining a very young company.
  • If you're looking for more established companies, definitely recommend LinkedIn, BioSpace, and QMed.
  • Don't forget Craigslist that has a lot of jobs with both small start ups and large firms.

I take for granted that you are actively on and using LinkedIn.  If not, get on it!

Think of LinkedIn on your Facebook network.  I have not found it as useful as LinkedIn, but I admittedly have only been on it for the past 4 months as opposed to years on LinkedIn.

Very similar to BranchOut.

(google “craigslist” to get your local listings)
This marketplace site has come a long way and is now a very legitimate site for serious job postings from early stage start ups to very well established companies.

This posts all types of jobs and is not specific for biotech/pharma.  In fact, I find it annoying that you cannot filter your search by industry the way you can on many other sites.  I find their manual job search features to be a bit cumbersome, but I really like their feature of loading your resume (.doc or PDF) and doing your job search against the key words in your resume.

This site consolidates job postings directly from company websites.  It has the look and feel of SimplyHIred but with a great additional feature of being able to filter your search by industry.

Very established site with lots of jobs at mid and large cap companies.  The site also has a lot of industry news and job seeking advice.

Specialty job seeking site for life science and healtcare industry jobs.

Specialty job seeking site for biotechnology jobs.

Job postings with venture capital-backed companies.  Mix of early stage start-ups and established companies (e.g. Facebook, Zynga).

Job postings in start-ups of all funding stages.  Excellent site and I highly recommend it for people interested in joining a small to mid-size start-up.  It has outstanding search features and easy to use resume building tools.

Job postings with very early stage start-ups, some with no or minimal seed stage financing.  Note:  It tends to be very heavily geared towards computer scientists, software programmers, and mobile apps.

Job postings for start up companies.  Also has a useful newsletter.

Of course there are also the major job posting sites such as Monster, Indeed, and CareerBuilder.  These are fine for general job searches but I think they are overcrowded with non-science jobs and the postings tend to be a little stale.   I prefer to look in places where fewer people are looking and the chance of seeing a "fresh" posting is higher.  I will also admit that I am biased for sites where small to mid-size companies are posting jobs.

If you're interested in working for the US government, check out, which is the official government job posting site and is very comprehensive for government job openings.

Please leave a comment if you know of another great job seeking site that I missed.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

When You Offer To Help, Make Sure You Follow Through

(WARNING:  Slight Rant Ahead)

I attend lots of seminars and meetings.  Last month, it happened again.  The speaker said he would be happy to share his slides with anyone who sends him an email.  I sent an email that day to the address he gave me on his business card, thanking him for the seminar and asking if he could share his slides.  And sure enough...nothing.  No response, no slides, no nothing.

If this had happened on only one occasion or maybe even multiple times with a single individual, I would excuse it for sake of "he was busy, he lost the email, he forgot".  However, this has happened to me literally dozens and dozens of times...easily more than 100 times.  This last time caused me to say enough is enough and I need to write (vent...ok, rant) about it.

Let's first rule out a confounding factor...time.  Did I get the speakers enough time.  I feel definitely yes.  In the latest case mentioned above, one month is plenty of time.  Looking back at the whole history I have with these events, there are some requests that have over 20 years outstanding...I think that's enough time.

Let's now rule out a second confounding  Are my requests rude, intrusive, abrasive, or asking for too much?

While I can't show you all of my email requests, I can assure you that I am always polite, express my gratitude for their talk and insights, and kindly request the item they said they would share.  I never ask for more than they offered.  This is important because many people can see an offer to share something as an open door for any request.  I, and you should too, avoid making this mistake and do not overstep my bounds.

So my advise to all...when you offer to share anything, whether it is your slides, advice, time, knowledge, connection to a friend, and someone takes you up on it...follow through.

As the great old project management adage goes, "Say what you're going to do, and go do what you said".

So why do I think people don't follow through?  Surely there are a variety of reasons.  Some people really do forget.  Some don't get the email because of spam filters or other innocent reasons.  But I bet there are some that do it for not so innocent reasons.

Not so innocent reason #1:  People want to look good.
I think people like to appear more open and giving than they really are.  It's so easy to offer things when you're at the center of the audience's attention.  The seat of power.  The position of authority and expertise.  It feels good to yourself and makes you look good to others when you offer to share things.

Not so innocent reason #2 (the flip side of #1:  People don't want to look bad in front of the audience.
This happens a lot.  Someone in the audience asks the speaker directly if the slides will be available and rather than say no, even when the reason to say no is very valid such as for confidentiality reasons, the speaker falls upon the easy "send me an e-mail and I'll send them to you".  They look good in public and know they can later hide behind the "I never got your email" shield later on in private.

So that's my lesson (rant) for today.  Do what you say you're going to do.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "Don't lie" because I don't think most of these people consciously lied.  I'd like to think that on the spot they were geniune in their offer, but later on had second thoughts out of laziness, reconsideration, or other.

What are your thoughts?  Let me know if this has happened to you.

In fact, let's make a game out of it.  The next 5 times someone gives a seminar and offers something if you email them, send them an email request even if you don't want it.  Just see how many times out of the 5 that the person really does deliver.  Let me know what % you get and I'll do the same.

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