Saturday, April 22, 2023

While most of my projects don't use Agile, I'm always using progressive elaboration techniques. Here's why.

Many projects don't lend themselves to be easily done using Agile or Scrum methodologies, but that doesn't mean that you can't be flexible and adaptable to the inevitable changes that occur during your project. One great method of adaptable management that I typically use is progressive elaboration .

Progressive elaborations a project management technique that involves gradually refining and expanding project plans as more information becomes available. Rather than trying to plan every detail upfront, project managers can use this approach to develop plans over time, incorporating new information and adjusting as necessary. There are many benefits to using progressive elaboration in project planning, including improved accuracy, increased flexibility, and better stakeholder engagement.

Firstly, one of the key benefits of progressive elaboration is improved accuracy in project planning. When project managers try to plan every detail upfront, they may not have all the necessary information to make accurate decisions. By using progressive elaboration, project managers can gather more information as they go and refine their plans accordingly. This can help ensure that the project is planned and executed more accurately, reducing the risk of errors or unexpected issues.

Secondly, progressive elaboration also increases flexibility in project planning. In today's fast-paced business environment, projects can change rapidly, and project plans must be able to adapt accordingly. Progressive elaboration allows project managers to adjust plans as new information becomes available or circumstances change. This ensures that the project stays on track and remains aligned with business goals, even in the face of unexpected challenges or opportunities.

Thirdly, progressive elaboration can also help improve stakeholder engagement in project planning. When stakeholders are involved in the planning process from the beginning, they are more likely to feel invested in the project's success. By using progressive elaboration, project managers can engage stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle, keeping them informed of progress and soliciting feedback along the way. This helps ensure that the project remains aligned with stakeholder needs and priorities, improving the likelihood of project success.

Finally, another significant benefit of progressive elaboration is that it allows project managers to better manage project risks. By refining plans as more information becomes available, project managers can identify potential risks earlier and adjust plans accordingly. This helps mitigate risks before they become major issues, reducing the likelihood of project failure.

In my experience, progressive elaboration is a powerful project management technique that can help project managers develop more accurate, flexible, and stakeholder-engaged project plans. By gradually refining and expanding project plans over time, project managers can ensure that projects stay on track and aligned with business goals, even in the face of unexpected challenges or opportunities. The benefits of progressive elaboration are many, and project managers who use this technique are better positioned to deliver successful projects that meet stakeholder needs and priorities.

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