Saturday, July 15, 2023

Stoicism for Project Managers: How to Apply Ancient Wisdom to Modern Challenges

Stoicism is a philosophy that has been around for over 2,000 years. It is based on the idea that we can control our own thoughts and emotions, regardless of what happens to us in the world. This can be a valuable philosophy for project managers, as it can help them to stay calm and focused under pressure, and to make sound decisions even when things go wrong.

Here are some specific ways that stoic philosophy can be applied to project management:

  • Accept what you cannot control. One of the core tenets of Stoicism is the idea of acceptance. This means accepting that there are things in life that we cannot control, and that trying to control them is a waste of time and energy. This can be a difficult concept to grasp, but it can be very liberating once we do. As project managers, we often have to deal with things that are outside of our control, such as changes in scope, unexpected delays, or difficult stakeholders. If we can learn to accept these things, we will be less likely to get stressed or frustrated, and we will be better able to focus on the things that we can control.
  • Focus on what you can control. Once we have accepted what we cannot control, we can then focus on the things that we can control. This includes our thoughts, our actions, and our attitude. As project managers, we have a lot of control over these things. We can choose to think positive thoughts, take proactive actions, and maintain a positive attitude even when things get tough. By focusing on what we can control, we can increase our chances of success.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff. Stoicism teaches us that we should not waste our time and energy worrying about things that are out of our control, or that are not important in the grand scheme of things. This can be a difficult lesson to learn, but it can be very liberating once we do. As project managers, we often have to deal with a lot of small things that can seem overwhelming. If we can learn to let go of the small stuff, we will be less stressed and more productive.
  • Be mindful of your emotions. Stoicism teaches us that we should be mindful of our emotions. This means being aware of how we are feeling, and why we are feeling that way. When we are mindful of our emotions, we are better able to control them. As project managers, we often have to deal with a lot of difficult emotions, such as stress, anxiety, and anger. If we can learn to be mindful of our emotions, we will be better able to manage them and stay productive.

Stoicism is a philosophy that can be very helpful for project managers. By applying the principles of Stoicism, we can stay calm and focused under pressure, make sound decisions, and avoid getting stressed out by the small stuff. If you are a project manager, I encourage you to learn more about Stoicism and how it can be applied to your work.

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